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Our Story

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We are a cat-loving duo with a shared passion for creativity, fashion, and sustainability. At home, we are proud parents to five purring friends - Rody, Bella, Tijger, Lilly, and Luna. Each of them, with their distinct personalities, exudes an elegance and humor that is undeniably funky. They are our daily inspiration and the heart behind Funky Puss.

Our journey began with a visit to a cat café, where we found ourselves surrounded by beautiful, funky images of cats adorning posters, socks, and more. Yet, we noticed a gap - where was the clothing that captured this unique, quirky charm? That question planted the seed for Funky Puss, and we embarked on an adventure to fill this niche in the market.

Funky Puss isn't just about celebrating the playful and diverse personalities of our feline friends. It's also about making a difference. As avid lovers of both fashion and our planet, we were eager to ensure our venture was as environmentally conscious as possible.

We've chosen to use print-on-demand services to reduce waste and partnered with sustainable suppliers for our garments, sourced from ethically managed, organic materials. Our funky designs are printed with eco-friendly inks that are kind to our planet.

In this way, Funky Puss isn't just a fashion statement. It's a commitment to the planet we share with our furry companions. Every Funky Puss T-shirt purchased is a step towards a greener future - one where style and sustainability coexist.

Join us on our journey as we aim to bring a bit more funk into the world, one eco-friendly T-shirt at a time. Let's make the world a better place for all living beings, two-legged or four.

Welcome to Funky Puss - where cats, creativity, and consciousness come together.