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Funky Puss Chronicles

The Fair Wear Foundation

In an age where fast fashion and mass production are rampant, ethical considerations can often take a backseat. But there are organizations fighting for change, ensuring that the clothes we wear are not at the expense of the people who make them or the environment. One such organization is the Fair Wear Foundation (FWF), a non-profit that works tirelessly to promote fair labor conditions within the garment industry. Here's a closer look at what they do and why their work matters.

Embracing the Funk

When you hear the name "Funky Puss," it's hard not to smile. There's a joyful, whimsical quality to it that captures the essence of our brand. But behind the quirky name lies a deeper purpose, a story of inspiration, sustainability, and a love for cats. Let's explore the journey of Funky Puss, a brand that's more than just a fashion statement; it's a movement towards a more vibrant, conscious, and cat-loving world.

The Subtle Genius of Cats

When you share your home with a cat, or five, as we do at Funky Puss, you can't help but marvel at their peculiar quirks and unique personalities. Cats are enigmatic creatures, full of grace, independence, and an intelligence that's often underrated. In this blog, we'll delve into the fascinating world of feline smarts and explore what makes these elegant animals so brilliantly cunning.

Clothing Made of Cotton and Recycled Polyester

Fashion is not just a reflection of personal style; it's an embodiment of our values and the choices we make. At the intersection of comfort and consciousness, two materials are emerging as champions in the realm of sustainable fashion: cotton and recycled polyester. In this blog, we'll explore how these materials are shaping the new wave of responsible clothing, and why they should be on your radar.

Sustainable Fashion

In a world brimming with fast fashion, our choices have never mattered more. The decisions we make when shopping for clothing can significantly impact the environment in ways that may surprise you. This isn't just a trend or buzzword for us at Funky Puss; sustainable fashion is a core part of our mission, and here's why it should be important to you too.